Peggy's Pond is a small lake on the west side of Cathedral Rock and is the standard camp for climbers ascending Mt. Daniel's eastern routes. I found the hike to Peggy's Pond to be a somewhat tedious approach, but it had enough points of interest to make it a worth while hike.
To get to the Tucquala Meadows Trailhead, drive I-90 to exit 80 then head north on Bullfrog Road until it intersects with Highway 903. Travel north on 903, which eventually becomes Forest Service Road 4330, for approximately 30 miles to the Tucquala Meadows Trailhead (about a quarter of a mile from the end of the road). Be advised that you must ford Scatter Creek which currently had 8-10 inches of water, but can be MUCH higher.
Hike the Cathedral Rock Trail (#1345) which crosses the Cle Elum River and then ascends to Squaw Lake via a series of nearly flat switchbacks. The trail continues past the lake and makes its way to a long flat ridge. At 4.5 miles from the trailhead, the Cathedral Rock Trail intersects the PCT near Cathedral Rock, an impressive chunk of rock. Follow the PCT south for 0.3 miles to a small trail signed "Hiker Trail Only. Pack and Saddle Stock Not Permitted". Take this narrow trail for 0.7 miles to Peggy's Pond.