Camp Hazard

Camp Hazard is the highest established camp on Mount Rainier. While the name is not necessarily misleading, it was named after Hazard Stevens, not because of the Kautz ice cliff directly above the camp. To get to Camp Hazard, ascend the rib west of Van Trump Creek to the lower reaches of the Van Trump Glaciers. Ascend the glacier or on loose rock to ~9500' then travel NE on loose rock to the Turtle Snowfield. Ascend the Turtle on its west side then continue upward on more loose rock to the camp. Be aware that ice frequently breaks away from the ice cliff and DOES tumble into the camp. The more popular route to Camp Hazard is to start from Paradise, cross the Nisqually Glacier, then ascend the Fan (Wilson Gully) to the main section of the Wilson Glacier which is then ascended on its west side to the bottom of the Turtle. We found no need for a rope on the route from Van Trump Park, but a rope would definitely be needed for the Nisqually approach.

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